Thrive while working remotely!

We're excited to see you in our Remote Work Fundamentals course! You'll learn about the importance of creating connection and a sense of community, having effective meetings, and how to increase productivity from a distance.

In the meantime, here are some additional resources about remote work: 

15Five's Best-Self Management Podcast, Episode 19: Learn how to transition to a remote workforce from 15Five cofounders David Hassell and Shane Metcalf. 

One of our most popular webinars ever: Protecting Productivity: The Shift to Remote Work. Over 125 tips and recommendations for increasing your own productivity and creating a thriving remote culture.

Interested in Remote Work training, coaching, and workshops for your organization, leaders, and managers? Contact us at [email protected] 

Get free access to our people management platform for teams, departments, and orgs up to 50 people through June 15, 2020. Get started with 15Five!

In the Remote Work Fundamentals Course we have recommendations for you and your colleagues to consider, ranging from ergonomics and IT tools to setting work-life boundaries.

Here are a handful of tips for maintaining connection while working remotely:

• Mind your language with email, chat, and text, since there’s no body language to add context and tone is often ambiguous. 

• Use video and phones often so that you can see and hear people. 

• Use gallery view on video calls so you can see different people on a larger team (Note: This reminds me to check-in with them later in an impromptu chat.) 

• Start meetings with a few moments of connection. 

• Set clear agendas. 

• Only set necessary meetings to avoid Zoom Fatigue. Too many remote meetings can actually cause productivity to plummet. 

• Intentionally invite everyone to participate. In an in-person meeting, there are visual cues. People turn their heads toward someone to talk, but in video meetings, that’s not clear. 

One key takeaway here is to consider the context. Any work transition adds extra stress, and people may be less courteous than normal. This is a good time to both stay curious and give people the benefit of the doubt. One way to prevent or repair misunderstandings is to always check-in at the beginning of meetings because when we know what’s going on in the worlds of others we can operate with more compassion.

Whether you’ve worked at home for years or are just making the transition, now is the time to commit to certain behaviors that will ensure the entire team stays productive and connected. Click the button above to enroll.